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Discover A Sweet and Simple Remedy For Relieving Airplane Ear

Discover A Sweet and Simple Remedy For Relieving Airplane Ear

If you’re a parent who has flown with children you’ll be all too familiar with the fear that your child is going to be the one crying the entire flight. Yes there may be some disgruntled passengers but it’s the pain your child is in which is of far greater concern.

The most common cause is the discomfort people experience in their ears during takeoff and landing. This is known as airplane ear or barotrauma, which occurs due to the pressure changes in the air cabin. The good news is that there is a sweet and simple trick to help relieve the pain – one which a lot of our fans have discovered…sucking on our sugar-free lollipops! Below I’ll do my best to explain what airplane ear is, its symptoms, and how sucking on lollipops can help relieve the pain.

Airplane ear is a condition that occurs during altitude changes, such as during takeoff and landing. Know it? Yip it can hurt! This is due to the air pressure in the cabin becoming different from that inside the middle ear. This pressure change causes the eardrum to push inwards or outwards, which can cause discomfort or even pain. People with congested sinuses or allergies are more likely to suffer from airplane ear.

Symptoms of airplane ear can vary from mild discomfort to severe pain, which can last for hours even after the flight has ended.  Sucking on something can help relieve the pressure changes in the middle ear by opening up the Eustachian tube, which is responsible for equalising the air pressure. This is where sucking on lollipops can come in handy! It helps promote swallowing, which can help open up the Eustachian tubes. Our brightly coloured Zollipop sugar-free lollipops are hugely popular, as are the Dr. John’s Sugar-Free Lollipops with Vitamin C and fibre. This range is a bit harder so it causes the child to suck vs bite the lollipop treat - check out the Ultimate Lollipop Collection - there’s something for everyone!  

Apart from lollipops, there are other ways to relieve airplane ear, such as chewing gum, yawning, or swallowing. If you’ve ever flown with Air New Zealand you’ll likely have fond memories of either you (a highlight of my childhood) or the flight attendants handing out lollies just before landing (sadly they’re not sugar-free…yet). Here you were thinking they were giving you a treat, but in reality they’re also trying to reduce the possibility of passengers getting airplane ear. Wouldn’t it be great if Qantas did the same?! We actually have a lolly which reminds me of my childhood days when flying with Air NZ and the best thing is that IT IS sugar-free. Check out our Zolli Peppermint Drops and Zolli Fruit Flavoured Drops.  Remember to also drink plenty of water before and during the flight as it can also help keep the sinuses moist and reduce congestion.

Children are more prone to airplane ear due to smaller Eustachian tubes, and they may not know how to relieve the pain. Many of our customers give their child a sugar-free lollipop to help relieve the pain. Remember to always supervise your child and we don't recommend lollipops until the age of at least 4 years old. We would obviously recommend choosing sugar-free ones to avoid dental related issues, plus giving your child sugar in a confined space for an extended period of time is possibly not the best scenario…😳

So next time you’re planning that family holiday which involves flying, why not head to our huge range of delicious sugar-free lollipops? After all, if a world-class airline is doing it there’s got to be something in sucking on a lollipop - just make it a healthier one ;) 

Here's a gift from our family to yours. Enjoy a 10% savings these holidays when you spend over $30 (excludes postage) - simply spend $30 or more and enter SCHOOLHOLIDAYS at the checkout to receive your 10% saving. Offer ends midnight Sunday 23rd April.

P.S. My articles are always based on a subject that I’m either passionate about, or curious about and simply want to learn more. My intent is for you to gain at least one insight. Remember I’m not an expert, I’m just a curious parent who is passionate about making informed healthier choices especially for the next generation.
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