We are Daz & Andy, a typical hard-working couple with three wonderful growing kids...who love lollies. As parents, we try to make sure they eat as healthily as possible but it’s a battle, right? These days the biggest challenge is keeping their sugar consumption in check. But that’s much easier said than done! Sugar is big, big business.
They love lollies. We love lollies. Everybody loves lollies. But our teeth and bodies don’t. Rather than cut them out entirely in some uphill Draconian battle with our kids, we wondered what the sugar-free alternatives might be.
We weren’t keen on the few ranges we found in supermarkets so we went looking further afield for the healthiest lollies out there. Then a chance meeting with our now business partner in New Zealand introduced Andy to the USA-produced Dr John’s range. Our son was only 4 at the time and smiled with delight when Andy offered them to him as a treat. He devoured his first, and second, and third... Andy figured she was onto something. Since then we've added some pretty impressive brands and have now begun our own journey to produce our own. So here we are, building a business with a true mission.
We're not trying to migrate sugar fans to sugar-free (although this would be amazing) we simply want to make sure that no one misses out on a sweet treat!
Daz & Andy x
P.S. Brief profiles of the dynamic duo below.

I've been told the passion I have for what we're doing, is palpable. I won't argue with that. I'm a life & health enthusiast and now the master of my own day, on a mission to help others make healthier choices when it comes to treats. P.S. the two munchkins in this pic are our harshest critics - nothing gets by their taste buds!

Word master, customer success king and photographer, Daz is the yin to Andy's yang. An advocate for healthy living Daz comments "Keeping fit and healthy is non-negotiable. I need to keep up with our growing boys!". P.S. sometimes mistaken for Keith Urban, and yes he can sing.

Our mission? To provide sugar-free, 100% natural healthy lolly alternatives, that always deliver on taste, and can be enjoyed by anyone. Mantra: No one misses out.